Performing this year’s show, “Every Single Moment,” under the direction of band director Mr. Blake Korte, the Mater Dei Indoor Percussion earned second place at both the Central States Percussion Association (CSPA) competition held at Hazelwood Central High School and the Winter Guard International (WGI) St. Louis Regional competition held... Read More
(from left) Mater Dei Indoor Percussion instructor Mr. Matt Murphy, Alyssa Becker, Alyssa Noll, Katie Wieseman, and Director of Bands Mr. Blake Korte are pictured at the Central States Percussion Association (CSPA) competition held at Hazelwood Central High School on Saturday, Feburary 9, where they earned second place.
We congratulate saxophonist Taylor Goring, tubist Anna Klostermann, and vocalist Maddie Owens on their selection to perform in Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) festivals! Specifically, on November 3, Taylor performed in the District VI ILMEA Jazz Festival held at Belleville East High School; on November 17, Maddie and Anna performed... Read More
Pictured at the Tiger Ambush Classic held at Edwardsville High School on September 15 are (from left) brass members Christian Jourdan, Holly Dumstorff, and Matthew Sinnock. Under the direction of Director of Bands Mr. Blake Korte, the Marching Knights earned 4th place in Class 2A.
(from left) Director of Bands Mr. Blake Korte, Drum Major Morgan Huelsmann, Drum Major Angie Carey, and Drumline Instructor Mr. Matt Murphy are pictured at the Metro East Marching Classic held at O’Fallon Township High School September 8. In Class A, the Marching Knights earned first place, as well as... Read More
(from left) Wren Heiligenstein, Mattie Sullivan, and Joseph Petermeyer are pictured prior to boarding their flight to London, England for the Illinois Ambassadors of Music European Tour. During the sixteen-day trip, the students, with Director of Bands Mr. Blake Korte and drum line instructor Mr. Matt Murphy, will visit seven countries. We pray... Read More
Mr. Blake Korte and members of our bands and chorus are pictured at Loyola University, where they attended clinics, during their recent trip to New Orleans. In addition, the students enjoyed a plantation tour, swamp tour, and private concert and question and answer session with local jazz musicians; the marching... Read More
Director of Bands Mr. Blake Korte, joined by drumline instructor Mr. Matt Murphy and color guard instructor Ms. Julianna Swanson, recognized members of our concert band, jazz band, wind ensemble, drumline, and color guard at the Band Banquet held May 21. We congratulate the award winners, as well as their... Read More
(front, from left) Jazz Band alumnus Alex Rivera joined Jazz Band members Sophia Mondt, Suzy Cowgill, Kate Maue, Katie Goring, Reece Lampe and (back) Director of Bands Mr. Blake Korte for the Joe Lovano (tenor sax) and John Scofield (guitar) concert at Jazz at the Bistro in St. Louis. We... Read More
For their performance of the 2018 show “The Harvest,” the Mater Dei Indoor Percussion Ensemble earned second place at the Mid Continent Color Guard Association (MCCGA) competition held at O’Fallon Township High School March 10. The Indoor Percussion Ensemble’s season will conclude with the Winter Guard International (WGI) competition... Read More