We invite children ages grade 4 and younger to join us for another full-filled year of Mater Dei Junior Knights! Members not only enjoy events that provide an opportunity to interact with both current and future Mater Dei Knights, but also receive a shirt and an activities pass, which provides free admission to home athletic events, the fall play, and the spring musical.
Events traditionally include, but are not limited to, introductions and “run throughs” at varsity sporting events; participation in the homecoming parade; and seasonal parties (fall, Christmas, and spring).
Detailed information and the printable registration form are available via the following link: 2023-2024 Junior Knights Registration Letter and Form
Online registration (3% transaction fee) is available via the following link: 2023-2024 Junior Knights Online Registration Form
NOTE: While children may join at any time, the registration form and fee must be received by Friday, September 15, 2023, to guarantee a shirt by the first event (September 27).
For additional information regarding Junior Knights, please contact Mrs. Maria Zurliene.
Mrs. Maria Zurliene, Assistant Principal
work: 618-526-7216, ext. 105
email: mzurliene@materdeiknights.org